716.276.3230 132 Cayuga Rd., Suite 1B | Cheektowaga, NY 14225

Expanding Opportunities for Older Learners

 On December 1, 2016, the US Department of Education's Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy, and the Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School hosted the first Adult Schools Growth Forum focused on expanding high-quality schools for low-skilled adult learners, opportunity youth, and other disadvantaged older youth and adults.


There are currently 36 million adults and 5.3 million disconnected or opportunity youth in the country who could benefit from access to such schools.


Literacy New York has long championed the needs of this population. We know that the need is great and that resources are thin. The new approach advanced by the US Department of Education is right on time-and we will work to promote its implementation throughout New York State. There is lots to do and lots to learn. More info can be found here: http://blog.ed.gov/2016/12/committing-adult-schools-2020/. We will provide regular updates for you as well.