716.276.3230 132 Cayuga Rd., Suite 1B | Cheektowaga, NY 14225

LNY Strategic Action Plan and Current Board Meetings


Meeting Schedule

  • September 12, 2024 (Thursday)

    9:30 am to 10:30 am - Zoom

  • December 12, 2024 (Thursday)

    9:30 am to 10:30 am - Zoom

  • March 12, 2025 (Wednesday)

    9:30 am to 10:30 am - Zoom

  • June 6, 2025 (Friday)

    Time TBD at Greek Peak Resort and Conference Center


Call Schedule

  • As needed









Meeting Minutes

 Current Minutes


Literacy New York Strategic Action Plan 2024-28

Focus On Impact; Document Results

Our Mission: We increase the effectiveness of adult literacy practitioners and the capacity of programs so that adults, families, and communities reach their full potential.

Our Vision: In New York State and beyond, innovative adult literacy programs collaborate to meet the literacy needs of adult students in their communities. 


I. Goal: LNY will continuously evaluate current activities and assess future activities to maximize opportunities for advancing adult literacy.


A. Objective: LNY will satisfy current state funding requirements, meeting all deliverables while planning for the future


B. Objective: LNY will lessen dependence on current state funding with revenue generating activities


II. Goal: LNY will serve as a catalyst to advance adult literacy


A. Objective: LNY will strengthen its networking role, increase its business activities and have more of an influence on best practices through partnerships and collaborations


B. Objective: LNY will offer expertise and products to the adult literacy field, with emphasis on volunteer sector


III. Goal: The Board of Literacy New York, Inc. will diversify and strengthen board members’ contributions and commitment to the Mission of LNY


A. Objective: The Board will annually review and ensure adherence to its By Laws


B. Objective: A committee under the direction of the Executive Director which may include board members and former board members will continue the Board Engagement program that taps into the expertise of former board members or other LNY supporters to better meet LNY’s Mission


B. Objective: LNY will remain current with board policies and manuals per Grants Gateway requirements


IV. Goal: LNY will act as a voice for adult literacy programs, policies, and people


A. Objective: Keep the Board and other stakeholders up to date on state and national adult literacy advocacy issues


B. Objective: LNY will work to promote a “One State, One System” perspective on advocacy for adult literacy


V.  Goal: LNY will optimize the capacity of its staff


A. Objective: LNY will retain and develop staff, and equip them for success




Acronym Key

LNY: Literacy New York

SWOT: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

SAP: Strategic Action Plan

NYACCE: NY Association for Continuing and Career Education

NYCCAL: New York City Coalition for Adult Literacy

ROS: Rest of State

ALE: Adult Literacy Education (state funding)

NYSED: New York State Education Department

ED: Executive Director