716.276.3230 132 Cayuga Rd., Suite 1B | Cheektowaga, NY 14225

Online Tutor Training (OTT)


Facilitated Online Training for Teachers and Tutors of Adult Students



Online Tutor Training (OTT) is Literacy New York's online training platform and houses volunteer and staff training, as well as reading libraries created specifically for literacy programs.

For programs that use volunteer tutors, OTT builds capacity, equipping them to offer tutor training "on demand", right when potential volunteers connect with local literacy providers. Workshops are asynchronous, so tutors can complete them on their own schedules. They are facilitated by experienced trainers, and help is just an "ask" button away for participants should they have questions or issues. OTT has allowed for consistency and quality in tutor training, regardless of the site-- all tutors in the system are getting evidence-based, current information and strategies around serving adult learners.

OTT continues to grow. We've recently updated our Reading Basics and Language Basics workshops for Basic Literacy and ELL tutors.  We offer two Math training modules, Employability Soft Skills training for working with adults on workforce preparation, and Citizenship Coach training for tutors coming alongside an adult seeking citizenship.  There are training modules in reading for specialized tutors and teachers, along with two libraries of materials and lesson plans.


Take a look for yourself:


As a project of the Janice Cuddahee Fund, LNY is making tutor training workshops available to more literacy organizations via an application process. To apply for OTT tutor training for your organization, go to the link here.

You can visit the Janice Cuddahee Fund page for more information.

Contact us for more information 716.651.0465