716.276.3230 132 Cayuga Rd., Suite 1B | Cheektowaga, NY 14225



Literacy New York is a unique organization.

We support providers who directly serve those with literacy needs.

As a New York State Support and Technical Assistance Center, we work with local, community-based adult literacy providers across the state who deliver high-quality, individualized, one-to-one, small group tutoring, and classroom instruction to New York residents with low literacy levels, including English language learners. Literacy NY offers specific support for programs utilizing well-trained, well-supported volunteers to deliver instruction. Our Regional Adult Education Network funding from the NYS Department of Education supports training and program oversight for adult education programs in the Western NY Region and the Capital North Region.

In addition, Literacy NY’s Online Tutor Training and Janice Cuddahee Fund projects reach beyond state lines, offering online tutor training to volunteers in adult literacy programs around the country, equipping tutors to meet the literacy needs of adults in their communities. 

Our goal is to ensure that those who need literacy services, regardless of where they live, have access to well-organized and high quality literacy and English language instruction.

Learn more about Online Tutor Training


Put simply, Literacy New York...

  • Provides access and empowerment for New York state residents with literacy needs.
  • Builds the capacity of adult literacy providers in New York State through training, technical assistance, resources and support.
  • Ensures the effective delivery of quality adult literacy services in New York State.
  • Employs the great strengths of volunteers at all levels of programming.
  • Advocates for adult literacy at the state and national level.
  • Implements new and emerging techniques in addressing adult literacy including Online Tutor Training
  • Supports English Language Learners in their work to master English.

For more information about the Regional Adult Education Networks (RAENs), please click the link below:

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The community-based literacy providers we support:

  • Accommodate adult students through flexible instruction that matches their schedules, their lifestyles and individual learning abilities.
  • Serve a diverse range of learners, many of whom read at the lowest levels—below the fourth grade level.
  • Work with learners who face multiple barriers including learning disabilities and limited English language skills.
  • Offer help with reading, writing, math, computer literacy, high school equivalency, workforce training, job certifications and many other student centered goals.
  • Deliver English language instruction for non-native English speakers.
  • Use evidence based and contextualized learning strategies.
  • Collaborate with partner providers to access outside resources that may be needed.
  • Comply with the rigorous requirements of the New York State Reporting System.


Historically, Literacy New York has been the only state wide volunteer literacy network in the US to adhere to national adult education reporting standards. Our continued commitment to accountability enhances the quality and consistency of the instruction offered to adult learners throughout New York State.


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