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Literacy New York Gathers Providers at White Eagle

by Janice Cuddahee

Janice Cuddahee

Thu, Nov 10th 2016 11:00 am

Executive Directors and Program Managers from around the state gathered for an autumn trip to White Eagle Conference Center in early November. On the agenda was a meeting with Rosemary Matt and Bob Purga of the New York State Department of Adult Education.

Prior to the NYSED meeting, we had an opportunity to meet as a big literacy family and talk about the wide-ranging issues facing providers in the adult literacy community today. Everything was fair game, from incremental goals, regulatory strangleholds, EPE, WIOA—even Ruth Colvin's 100th Birthday party. Ultimately, the meeting adjourned to a more casual setting with beverages available and a great night was had by all.

The morning of the meeting with Rosemary and Bob was a torrential downpour. The weather, however, was no indication of the state of the meeting which was overwhelmingly positive. Our meeting began with a special visit from Literacy New York Board Member Mari L. Ukleya who is the Director of Adult Education for Onondaga-Cortland-Madison BOCES. Mari let us know that she is there to help and encouraged us to contact her if we needed support.

Next, Rosemary and Bob informed the providers gathered that NYSED would increasingly underscore the use of literacy tutors within EPE and WIOA programs as allowable expenses—and effective means to meet gains. Our tutors are exactly the help that is needed at the beginning of the learning continuum, and our groups are now viewed as feeder organizations in the education process. 

Finally, Rosemary and Bob sought our input regarding the measurements for incremental gains. They asked us to provide all input by March 1st so please forward any thoughts and ideas to us at LNY so we can compile our response. 

Until we meet again...

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