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LNY Sets Plans For White Eagle Gathering

Tue, Apr 24th 2018 04:15 pm

All LNY affiliated providers are invited to send their director, plus one staff member who could directly benefit from the topics covered. 

The Gathering begins at 10:00am on Thursday, June 7th, and ends by 2:00pm on Friday, June 8th


As the State Technical Assistance Center, LNY is charged with building capacity in ALE-funded programs.  Four questions are guiding our planning for White Eagle:

·      How can programs build student numbers?

·      How can programs improve students’ Measurable Skills Gains?

·      How can programs build their pool of volunteer tutors?

·      How can programs bring in outside resources?

Thursday morning will include an NYRS-specific workshop delivered by Kate Tornese from the ASISTS team and Rosemary Matt, NYS Director of Accountability.  Thursday afternoon and Friday morning will be comprised of break-out sessions around the questions above, with promising practices (including detailed “how-to’s”) from colleagues, along with other session leaders.  There will be plenty of time for networking as well.  

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