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NYS Board of Regents Passes Groundbreaking High School Equivalency Diploma News During COVID-19-- Temporary Guidance

Mon, Jun 8th 2020 04:00 pm

The measure of high school equivalency in NY State is the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC), which replaced the GED in January of 2014. One great concern for Adult Education programs during the COVID-19 pandemic has been the lack of available TASC testing-- all testing has been suspended since March due to social distancing guidelines. There are thousands of students across the state whose lives have been put on hold because they cannot complete their TASC tests, and cannot achieve high school equivalency, which is needed for joining the military, entering college, and securing jobs.

The Board of Regents has provided some relief to qualified students that will allow them to move on with their lives. Visit http://www.nysed.gov/coronavirus/guidance-adult-education-programs-and-career-schools for details!

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