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NYCCAL is comprised of adult literacy teachers, managers, students, and allies from community -based organizations, CUNY campuses, and library programs across NYC. They advocate for an adult literacy system that provides quality, comprehensive and accessible educational services to the over 2.2 million adults (aged 18-64) in NYC who need them. While LNY focuses on the rest of New York State—we are allies with NYCCAL in promoting funding for adult literacy and work closely with them in Albany. We admire their strong advocacy!
We are continuing our State advocacy push for $15.3m in ALE funding (an $8m increase)! This increase would directly support the transition of the EL/Civics program under WIOA and leverage ALE-funded programs to support continued educational opportunity for the over 9,000 students expected to be impacted.
As we get closer to the Governor releasing his executive budget, here's how we need your help (we realize that November is slipping away but there are still 2 Wednesdays where we can participate):
1. Every Wednesday in November (November 8th, November 15th, November 22nd, and November 29th) will be a #LiteracyLiftsNY social media day of action! On these Wednedsays, please tweet at the Governor (@NYGovCuomo) mentioning NYSED (@NYSEDNews) and any relevant elected ??? to your program. Tweets should urge him to include $15.3m for ALE in his executive budget.
Sample tweets:
@NYGovCuomo: Please continue #ESOL classes for immigrant parents & workers with $15.3m for ALE in your budget! #LiteracyLiftsNY @NYCCAL
@NYGovCuomo don’t forget #LiteracyLiftsNY. Put $15.3m in your budget for ESOL and HSE classes - help adults succeed! @NYSEDNews @NYCCAL
2. On Wednesday, December 6th, we're coordinating a call-in day where we would love students and programs to urge the Governor to include $15.3m for ALE in his executive budget. We'll send a sample script and more specifics as we get closer. ***LNY will share soon***
3. Between now and January, we should pursue as many in-district meetings with State electeds as possible. The support of programs in setting these meetings up and participating is immensely helpful -- and really allows us to have the groundswell of support we need to push our ask with the Governor.