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LNY Wraps Up 2018 Conference @ White Eagle

Changes to this year’s format prompted high praise from conference attendees. “Best White Eagle we’ve had in years! Please do this again!!”
The conference began with an NYRS-specific workshop delivered by Kate Tornese from the ASISTS team and Rosemary Matt, NYS Director of Accountability.
Thursday afternoon and Friday morning were comprised of a series of 15 break-out sessions with promising practices from colleagues, along with other session leaders. General consensus was that the break-out sessions were very helpful. 95% of attendees rated this aspect of the conference as excellent
Top Presentations were:
Presentation #1: NYRS Workshop
Presentation #2: Non-Profit Governance, Managed Enrollment, Low Level ABE Tutoring, Social Media/Publicity/Communications
(4 presentations were equally rated for the #2 top presentation)
Presentation #3: Partnerships in your Community
Other comments from participants:
** ”Liked the break out sessions and meeting new people.”
** “Received great information and ideas.”
** “I learned something from everything I attended.”
** “I liked the mini break out sessions and being able to choose which ones I wanted to go to.”
** “I liked the format this year.”
In the end, 85% of attendees stated that the conference surpassed their expectations. A great time had by all!