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LNY Releases Annual Conference Agenda: Lists Breakout Sessions

All LNY affiliated providers are invited to send their director, plus one staff member who could directly benefit from the topics covered. As always, capacity building is the overarching goal.
The Gathering begins at 9:00am on Thursday, June 6th and ends by 2:00pm on Friday, June 7th.
Thursday June 6:
- Breakfast 7:30am to 8:45am
- Anti-Harassment Training for Non-Profits in NYS 9:00am to 11:30am
- Conflict Resolution: Playing Well with Others 9:00am to 10:30 am
- Break 11:30am to 11:45am
- Rosemary Matt, NYS Director of Accountability 11:45am to 1:45pm
- Memorial Luncheon in honor of Janice Cuddahee 2pm to 4pm
- Dinner 6:30
- Tee Pee open before and after dinner
Friday June 7:
- Breakfast 7:30am to 8:45am
- 9:00am to 9:45am Break Out Session 1
- Building Fluency Skills for TABE 11/12
- Sewing and English Language Workplace Skills Project
- ALE Forms and Deadlines
- Grant Writing
- ASISTS “Help Desk” Live!
- 9:00am to 9:45am Break Out Session 1
10:00am to 10:45am Break Out Session 2
- TABE 11/12 and TASC Resources
- Fundraising
- 2020 Census: Partnering with Libraries
- ASISTS “Help Desk” Live!
- 11:00am to 11:45am Break Out Session 3
- Updates: Intake to Outcomes Face to Face Tutor Training
- Best Practices: Case Management
- Updates: I2O Online Workshops
- ASISTS “Help Desk” Live!
- 12:00 noon to 12:30pm General Session—Effectively Serving Low Level Learners
- 12:45pm LUNCH
- 2:00pm Depart
Break out sessions include:
Sewing & English Language Workplace Skills—LV Rensselaer: Join LV Rensselaer for an overview of an innovative program embedding literacy tutoring into workplace skill building. The goal of the workshop is for participants to walk away with ideas to implement something like this program in your agencies. Led by Judy Smith and Linda Feldmann.
Building Fluency Skills for TABE 11/12-- LNY FMS: Fluency is more than a student reading aloud well; it is a key component of reading that directly impacts comprehension. If you aren't assessing your student's reading fluency, let's talk about why you should! The workshop will also provide a sample assessment for participants to use at their agency along with a review of teaching strategies to improve a student's reading fluency. Led by Lisa Cardilli, CUNY Master Trainer.
ALE Forms and Deadlines-- LNY: Join Mary Abousaid, Literacy NY’s Finance Manager, for a walk through the forms and deadlines associated with the ALE grant, including some tips on completing MWBE paperwork, checking the status of your contract, tips for new directors, and more.
Fundraising-- LNY: Executive Directors have so much to do—and then we have to raise money as well? Fundraising is hard, and involves many moving parts. This workshop will help you create a fundraising plan that includes the key pieces to effective fundraising. Ideally, you will leave with a good sense of direction, and a template for a plan, to be used for your future fundraising efforts. Led by Tracy Diina.
Grant Writing-- LNY: Grants are an important piece of an overall fundraising plan. Just like us, they come in many shapes and sizes. There are a few proven essentials that create superior grants, and we will discuss these at this workshop. We will also discuss how to find grants—and how to determine if they are right for your program. Led by Tracy Diina.
TABE 11/12 and TASC Resources—LNY: Ann Marie Przybyl, Western NY RAEN Director, will share online sites and resources, along with test taking tips, for the new TABE 11/12 and the TASC.
ASISTS Help Desk Live!—Literacy Assistance Center and LNY: Kate Tornese from the ASISTS team at the LAC and Mary Jo Pelletier from LNY will be available for information, troubleshooting, assistance, and all else ASISTS-related. Additional sign up for time-slots to follow.
2020 Census: Partnering with Libraries—LV Ontario/Yates : The 2020 Census is just around the corner, and yet so many fraught issues remain unresolved. We’ll learn how our ALE-funded organizations can work with libraries across the state to best serve the purposes of the census-- a fair and accurate count to ensure representation and allocation of funds from the federal government. Created by Mary Ellen Darling; presented by Kathy Houghton.
Updates: Intake to Outcomes Face-to-Face Tutor Training-- LNY: Though many ALE-funded programs are using the online I2O tutor training, we realize that there will always be a cohort of volunteers who prefer a face-to-face tutor training. We’ve updated the Intake to Outcomes workshops—we’ll review them and distribute them for use at your programs. Led by Amy Mazur.
Best Practices: Case Management—Literacy West (CORE): This workshop will explore the collaborative process of Case Management including assessment, service coordination and referrals to help remove student barriers. Good case management will promote successful, optimized outcomes, and improve student performance and persistence in your programs. Led by Lisa Lee and Mary Layman.
Updates: I2O Online Workshops—LNY: This workshop is for those not yet using I2O online training, as well for as current users. We’ll go over what’s new, and what will be added within the next program year. We are very interested in hearing what you’d like to see as far as workshop topics, procedural improvements, etc. as well. Led by Kathy Houghton and Kitty Hotles-Samson.