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LNY Joins Rally; Advocates for Adult Literacy Education in Albany Visit
Literacy CNY, Literacy New York Buffalo-Niagara, LV Rensselaer and Refugee and Immigrant Support Services of Emmaus (RISSE) also participated in the day’s advocacy efforts.
Further, the rally served to ask our NYS Assembly and Senate to help the 3.5 million New Yorkers (1/4 of our state's adult population) who need adult education. Assemblymembers Ron Kim and Patricia Fahy, longtime advocates, shared their unwavering support, as did Ira Yankwitt of the Literacy Assistance Center, and Assemblymembers Felix Ortiz and Victor Pichardo. Marsha Tait of Literacy CNY added an impassioned plea for the residents of Central New York state.
After the rally, LNY representatives met with NYS Assemblymembers and Senators to directly ask for support. LNY will continue to push our agenda for adult literacy and will keep you updated on our results.