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LNY Sets Plans For White Eagle Gathering

All LNY affiliated providers are invited to send their director, plus one staff member who could directly benefit from the topics covered.
The Gathering begins at 10:00am on Thursday, June 7th, and ends by 2:00pm on Friday, June 8th.
As the State Technical Assistance Center, LNY is charged with building capacity in ALE-funded programs. Four questions are guiding our planning for White Eagle:
· How can programs build student numbers?
· How can programs improve students’ Measurable Skills Gains?
· How can programs build their pool of volunteer tutors?
· How can programs bring in outside resources?
Thursday morning will include an NYRS-specific workshop delivered by Kate Tornese from the ASISTS team and Rosemary Matt, NYS Director of Accountability. Thursday afternoon and Friday morning will be comprised of break-out sessions around the questions above, with promising practices (including detailed “how-to’s”) from colleagues, along with other session leaders. There will be plenty of time for networking as well.