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LNY Releases Agenda For LNY Gathering at White Eagle: Lists Breakout Sessions

All LNY affiliated providers are invited to send their director, plus one staff member who could directly benefit from the topics covered. As always, capacity building is the overarching goal.
The Gathering begins at 10:00am on Thursday, June 7th, and ends by 2:00pm on Friday, June 8th.
Thursday morning will include an NYRS-specific workshop delivered by Kate Tornese from the ASISTS team and Rosemary Matt, NYS Director of Accountability. Thursday afternoon and Friday morning will be comprised of break-out sessions with promising practices (including detailed “how-to’s”) from colleagues, along with other session leaders. There will be plenty of time for networking as well.
Here is a list of sessions that will be offered:
Break Out Sessions White Eagle 2018
Literacy Navigators—LV Rochester
Did you know that 60% of those who begin online job applications can’t complete them? Lack of computers in homes or easy access to the internet has serious economic and social consequences. Literacy Volunteers of Rochester’s Digital Literacy program tackles this issue by training volunteers as Literacy Navigators. Navigators are located at city libraries and community sites. They assist participants with a range of technological needs, from learning a new computer skill to completing an important computer-related task. This workshop will help those considering starting their own programs, offering guidance and direction.
Managed Enrollment—Literacy Nassau
For organizations using "open" or "rolling" enrollment, the thought of switching over to a managed system can seem incredibly daunting. How will we make our numbers? What will that do to our waiting list? Is it worth it? In this session, we will share one agency's success story with managed enrollment and help you decide if making the switch could be right for you. We will also share a model for "blended" enrollment (part managed, part open) and will offer best practices for the implementation of both.
Data Protocol—WNY RAEN Director
It’s always about the data, isn’t it?
This workshop will present new approaches for looking at our data with staff and volunteers. Nuances and subtleties can inform our programming and improve our outcomes.
Partnering with Colleges/Universities: One Program’s Journey—LV Chautauqua
Can college students and volunteer literacy programs work well together? Some of us are doubtful, having experienced less than stellar results. Stay open minded! Literacy Volunteers of Chautauqua County has created an effective model using nearby college students as volunteer tutors. This workshop will detail the process they put in place to ensure successful programming and provide pointers and tips to create your own program.
Drop-In Centers== LNY Buffalo/Niagara
Does your organization have a waiting list? This workshop shows how Literacy New York Buffalo-Niagara (LNYBN) addressed their long waiting list, launched expedited, neighborhood based services and fashioned a program that is attractive to funders. Literacy Drop-In Centers offer adults immediate access to tutoring services in Basic Reading or English as a Second Language. This access helps low literate adults complete job applications, review resumes, read health forms or other similar activities requiring basic literacy knowledge. LNYBN developed the Drop-In Center project to spread the availability of literacy services and to reduce the length of time new learners must wait before they begin working with a tutor.
Fundraising—LiteracyCNY and LNY
Do you lie in bed at night, worried about your agency’s coffers? You are not alone!
Fundraising is a vital part of organizational operations but most staff in smaller nonprofits either hate it or don’t have the time or resources to raise money. This workshop is full of easy to implement ideas. There are ways to raise money—and this workshop will present examples and ideas that will help all nonprofits.
English Speaking Practice Groups—LiteracyCNY
Our English Language Learners have many needs. How do we best meet them? Literacy CNY has developed their English Speaking Practice Groups program to immerse higher level language learners in conversation groups where they apply their learning to real life. The element of practice produces fluency. This workshop will describe the process of starting English Speaking Practice Groups, featuring the real life trials and tribulations of program management.
ESL Parent Programming—Ulster Literacy
Ulster Literacy's English for Parents program started with a tutor wanting to teach English to family members of ELL children in a local elementary school. Five years later, this program serves 60 adults and 10 children in 4 schools. It has also generated $35k in revenue for the agency, as well as solidifying our professional association with school districts. Are you intrigued? Is this something you might want to implement? Come to the workshop and learn all about it.
Non-Profit Governance—LNY
Ah…the Board of Directors. We all know they can make or break an organization. Some of us know they can break us too! How do you establish a positive, productive relationship with your board? The presenters have years of experience working with boards and will share their best practices in this workshop.
Book Buddies—Literacy Connections
Book Buddies is a program that gives adult volunteers the opportunity to read one-on-one with elementary school children, right in the school. It is geared for children in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade. Volunteers provide children a positive reading experience as well as a consistent adult role model. During the Book Buddy session, volunteers may work with the children on classroom or homework assignments provided by the teacher; they may work with flash cards or play reading games (such as Banagrams or Mad Libs); or they may simply read a book for enjoyment. Are you interested in working with youth? This workshop will provide an inside look into the formation and execution of a youth based literacy program that can bring in needed resource.
Partnerships—Literacy West
Partnerships and collaborations are buzzwords for funders. What we really need to know is how to leverage partnerships to maximize their benefits. There’s gold out there, waiting for you! This workshop will illustrate the power of partnerships and give you a roadmap to follow to initiate your own partnerships and/or strengthen existing ones.
New Directors—Literacy NNY
This workshop is for new Executive Directors. You may be feeling overwhelmed and trying hard to look like you know what you are doing. We have all been there! You have joined a select group of people who run nonprofit adult literacy organizations. We are a special breed! If you are new to your position within the last year or two, or just want a “brush up”, come and listen to the experience of an Executive Director who is willing to share the good, bad and the ugly with us.
I20: What Would You Like to See Next? —LNY
What’s been happening in the Intake to Outcomes (I2O) online training? What would you like to see happen in the future? LNY will present findings from a recently completed I2O Research Project that garnered statistical data about how it all is working, show off our new delivery platform, and solicit ideas of where to go next.
Social Media/Publicity/Communications—LNY, LNY Greater Capital Region
Nonprofit organizations rarely have money to purchase advertising—but there are many ways we can access free media opportunities using public relations. This workshop features easy to follow strategies that will raise your organization’s visibility which can lead to increased volunteerism and funding.
Low Level ABE Tutor Training—LNY
LNY created training to improve the foundational literacy skills for our lowest level learners after realizing the great need for this, across New York State. This workshop will describe all aspects of the training and discuss upcoming dates and locations.