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New Resources for Adult Literacy Practitioners

Thu, Mar 14th 2019 10:05 am

The website is specifically set up as part of the Illinois Digital Learning Lab which is a community of adult educators teaching across ABE, ASE, GED, ESL, and HSE programs in the state of Illinois. Their goal is to experiment with digital tools and technology to serve the needs of our students. An estimated 2.2 million Illinois adults or 18% of our population have limited skills in reading, writing, math or English proficiency. Digital tools offer the promise to improve the effectiveness and reach of adult education.

The Digital Skills Library was created by CrowdED Learning. Resources included on the site are organized around core digital hard skills in the areas of Computer Basics, Internet Use, Word Processing, and Email. All of the materials are free and come from a variety of sources. Check it out: https://www.crowdedlearning.org/digitalskillslibrary

The site provides a link to the Illinois Digital Learning Lab which is worth your time, we promise!

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