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How Brains Learn to Read

"What is dyslexia?: an interview with neuroscientist Guinevere Eden" offers some fascinating research about how our brains learn to read, and what could be happening in the brains of those with dyslexia. Though referencing findings with children, we know that people do not outgrow their learning disabilities, so there is great relevance to our work with adult learners.


2020 Dollar General Adult Literacy Grants

Dollar General Literacy Foundation is accepting applications for their Adult Literacy Grants https://www.dgliteracy.org/grant-programs/. The deadline to apply is February 20, 2020. Many of the Rest of State ALE funded programs have been successful in receiving funding from this organization-- good luck!

COABE Fact Sheets

COABE (Coalition on Adult Basic Education) has created some resources for the field to use in advocating for the issue of Adult Literacy. Please view the information here

These national statistics are powerful when shared with stakeholders and legislators-- hope you find them helpful!

NCES releases analysis of national adult literacy report

In November, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) released a report analyzing the most recent Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) report, which compares U.S. adults' literacy, numeracy, and digital problem-solving skill levels in 2012/14 to 2017. 

Six Last Minute Ideas for Giving Tuesday

"Six Last Minute Ideas for Giving Tuesday" has some practical tips for making the most out of 2019's Giving Tuesday (December 3rd this year), a movement to create an international day of charitable giving at the beginning of the Christmas and holiday season. It is not too late to incorporate some of the suggestions-- good luck!

Resource for Teaching

Our CUNY colleague, Kate Brandt, a Professional Developer in the adult literacy field in New York City, brings our attention to a teaching and learning resource called "Actively Learn" https://www.activelylearn.com on the CollectEdNY site http://www.collectedny.org. 


COABE is Once Again Offering Scholarships to Conference

COABE is once again offering adult education programs the opportunity to apply for funds to defray the costs of the 2020 COABE National Conference in Baltimore, MD. Click for more information -- and good luck!

Start With Why: Grant Writers are Great Storytellers

This article from Foundant Technologies encourages us to remember that writing grants should not be a repetitive, "cut and paste" process, but a real opportunity to do our best writing. The author encourages us to "start with the why", and tell a compelling story about the important work your program does. Hope the article inspires you!

2020 Good Neighbor Citizenship Grant Program

State Farm Insurance has opened the application process for their 2020 Good Neighbor Citizenship Grant Program. This funding is available to 501C3's and includes focus areas of Community Development and Education, which could fit with the work ALE funded programs are doing in their communities. The deadline for applications is October 31, 2019.

Florida Literacy Coalition Adult Education Program Study

The Florida Literacy Coalition released an interesting and informative study looking at student recruitment in adult education programs-- "If You Build It, They Will Come. Think Again". The study looked specifically at Florida programs, which are housed in community colleges and more like the traditional BOCES and school district programs in NYS, but there are findings that could inform the way we market and sell any of our ALE funded programs.

Math Teaching Resources

Literacy NY, in our role as the State Technical Assistance Center, continues to support programs in teaching and tutoring in math. Our adult learners have great need in this area, and, along with the math tutor training modules available on the I2O online training system, there are numerous resources from the field. This list of resources was put together by subject-matter experts in teaching math to adult learners-- check it out!

NYATEP Acts as a Voice In Workforce Development

"NYATEP, New York Association of Training and Education Professionals (https://www.nyatep.org), acts as a Voice for programs engaged in workforce development, builds the Knowledge of that cohort, and pursues Progress in workforce initiatives, moving the field forward.

Casting Aside Shame And Stigma, Adults Tackle Struggles With Literacy

Our series "Take A Number" looks at problems around the world — and the people trying to solve them — through the lens of a single number.

COABE XPRIZE - A Winning App for Your Learners!

You can now enroll your learners into the XPRIZE winning app Learning Upgrade at no cost with the COABE XPRIZE Code 1177!

Learners have access to 21 courses including English, math, and GED® / HiSET® prep. You can track the progress of each learner with detailed reports.

Adult Education Fact Sheet-United States

Adult education programs in all 50 states and seven territories assist adults in building skills and earning credentials that lead to postsecondary education, sustainable employment, and economic self-sufficiency.

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