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Literacy Volunteers of Rochester Wins!
In December, Literacy Volunteers of Rochester(LVR) participated in an online campaign for votes from the YELP Foundation.
The Power of PSAs
I was looking for a very specific Public Service Announcement yesterday. It was a PSA that I saw when I was about 10 years old—and it made me want to work for adult literacy. It literally changed my life although it is more accurate to say that it shaped my life.
Literacy Success Story
Cecilia Brock, Director of Literacy of Northern New York shared a student success story about her ESL student, Marcia Burns--a native of Brazil.
The "Real" Meaning Behind Common Nonprofit Terms and Concepts
Anyone who works for a nonprofit knows that there are many unique challenges. And that is putting it nicely!
Compassion and the Nonprofit Professional
Stress is part of any workplace. Working in the human service industry increases the normal stress level as we often work with people in need.
10 Things All Fundraisers Should Do in February
According to Tina Jepson at CauseVox, February is a perfect month to catch up on some fundraising tasks.
Literacy and Football?
When we think of football players, we usually don't think about book clubs—or beefy football players pushing literacy efforts—but Superbowl Champion New England Patriot Malcolm Mitchell is one of us.
Speak Up!
Since we are talking about letters to the editor, it's a great time to grab your keyboard and bang one out!
Funding For Adult Education
As we welcome new leadership in Washington, literacy advocates must make sure that we have adult education at the top of our agenda.
20 Quotes From Famous People if They Had Worked in the Nonprofit Sector
Taken from the amazing nonprofit blog, Nonprofit with Balls. Highly recommended reading for anyone who works in the nonprofit sector!!
The Problems We Don't Talk About
I am currently about halfway through Evicted by Matthew Desmond. Essentially, it outlines the enormity of the problem of eviction in low income communities.
Holiday Season 2016-2017
Thank you for your support during 2016 as we renewed our passion and commitment for adult literacy. And what better year was there to focus on adult literacy than 2016?
Good Board Members
We Help Executive Directors
Running a nonprofit organization is no small feat. As a leader steps into his or her role, feelings of anxiety and fear may be overwhelming.
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